Thursday 12 April 2012

Using DiskLabel

I found this tool incredibly useful. It was on a plate from the start with easy tools to use and obvious directions.

The first step on the program was to add a background to the CD. I wanted to portray the CD as if it were an old record, so to do this I took a picture of the record used in my music video and imported it. I then cropped it to fit the size of the CD. It brought the product to life designing this part. I wanted to add my eye to the CD cover as I thought t would be relevant to the bands name. I had took a picture of my eye and then added it to the program. I then cropped it to the desired size and added effects.

(My eye ready to be imported onto the CD cover)

(This is a testing eye found on Google to see if all would be achieved)

As you can clearly see from the diagram above, after clicking 'effects' this pop out came up.  It clearly showed what could be accomplished and led me to complete my CD cover.

This is the CD sticker. This was imitating a record player also linking to my video. Through audience feedback they clearly understood the point of the eye in the center (EYESHINE) They enjoyed the idea however some said this was 'creepy'