Monday 12 December 2011


I have many inspirations through my love of music. I try not to create a bubble of one genre of music that I enjoy, this in turn allows me to broaden my ideas around my video.

Blink 182

I believe this band has had a huge impact on my love of music through my childhood. I think that their music is 'catchy', fun, very enjoyable. However, as well as some of their other immature songs they have more mature songs that have influenced my taste in music at their diverse attitude to music.

The Killers

To begin with I wasn't aware of the type of music they wrote/ sung. Yet, when I heard their hit song 'When You Where Young' I researched them, listened to the album they released to find a previous one already produced and they have became one of the bands that have influenced me the most. Their videos are intriguing as well as the lyrics and to this day,  'When You Where Young' continues to probably be my most favourite song of all time

Green Day

Through word of mouth this band has crawled into being one of the best bands in my head of all time. They have written an infinite number of songs which I haven't even listened to all of them yet but I really enjoy their music. Unbeknownst to many, their music videos have so many messages about life in them and through looking at the oldest videos they have done, you can tell current artists have stolen ideas. They have definitely influenced the way I wish to shoot my video and deserve all my credit for the amount of ideas they have given me.

Little Comets

Not known world wide but this band has some brilliant music. I have recently been introduced and this band is fantastic. I really enjoy their music but on the other hand they have not produced any music videos. I have often pictured a video they could produce and this in turn has helped me to become more creative with my own.

The Smiths

This band was present in the 80's but I still listen to them now. This shows how bands can last for years on end. I think their music is one of a kind and is being reborn in clubs around the city. I love the way they have shot their variety of videos to fit in with the lyrics and have truly influenced through style of sound and imagery.

The Clash

The Clash are amazing. Their songs have seemed to live forever and appeared on many shows and films. 'London Calling' is something everyone has listened too and is hugely popular.The style of music they play is unique and have such a variety of songs under their belt it is hard not to be inspired by them

I have so many inspirations, not only from the type of music they play but how they perform, like Alice Cooper with his 'Bad Boy Rockstar' or their style such as the way The Clash are dressed or even on raw talent, like the way Jimi Hendrix plays or how massive U2 are and still keep true to their music. All these factors inspire me in the music industry and this helps me with any idea for a music video and portray it the way i want it to be portrayed.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Contacting the Band

I thought contacting the band was important to secure a confidence in representing the band/ artist himself. My email to them was as follows:

"To whom it may concern,
                                    I am currently in year 13 studying media and my project is to choose a band and create a music video to go with the song. Whilst searching for a band, I came across yours on and instantly became a fan. Firstly I need confirmation that it is possible, from your band, to create this video for my A Levels. I look forward to hearing from you.
                                                                                                                Yours sincerely Simon Helliwell"

The Reply I recieved was:

"Yeah sounds good, go for it. 


Check out our YouTube series to see what it's like being in an unsigned band at"

Saturday 3 December 2011

Shot List

1. Cose up of a record playing
2. Close up of Guitar to introduce the instrument
3. Close up base instrument plucking at the strings
4. Close up of drummer hitting the symbols
5. Zoom in on the Lead singer as he wakes up and screams "1, 2, 3... Let's Go!"
6. Establishing shot of the Band in an open room playing together
7. Zoom in on the lead singer's face as he sings the first line of the first verse. Taking of his guitar it zooms out, he is in his bedroom
10. Following his body movements the camera will see him pick up a photo frame of a 'loved one'
11. On the line "life is going poorly" The lead singer will chuck the photo on the floor
12. The camera will be stationary to a medium shot to see the lead singer pick up and put on his guitar
13. Zoom in on face to re-zoom out to find that he is in the shot with the band again
14. Long shot of band playing
16. Zoom in on face again - repetition of camera shot symbolise the repetitious nature of his old relationship
17. Zoom out to show he is drunk on a park
18. Handheld camera to show how drunk the singer is
19. Handheld (by him) showing him walking, drinking, chucking crushed can then picking up guitar
20. No transition to show realism but extreme close up of face to zoom out to find him with band again
21. Medium close up of band members
22. Zoom on lead singers face, to zoom out to find him smashing up items and objects
23. Pan away to black
24. Pan back to him sitting in a chaotic scene
25. Shot of him crying/ getting upset and about to hang himself
26. Medium shot to see him preparing to hang self
27. Track away to darkness
28. Shot of band without lead singer packing up and walking off
29.Stationary shot with lead singer and girl walking away linking arms
30. Cyclical shot of radio and lead singer waking up and smiling

Film Schedule

Creating a Filming Schedule sounded easy. However, there was a few hurdles to over come. For example I had 3 cast members and myself to consider on an important year of A levels and with other activities to consider, it was never easy to get us all together especially to retrieve the props as well. Nonetheless a Film schedule would be completed asking each individual when they were able to film and fitting it together in a diary.