Saturday 3 December 2011

Shot List

1. Cose up of a record playing
2. Close up of Guitar to introduce the instrument
3. Close up base instrument plucking at the strings
4. Close up of drummer hitting the symbols
5. Zoom in on the Lead singer as he wakes up and screams "1, 2, 3... Let's Go!"
6. Establishing shot of the Band in an open room playing together
7. Zoom in on the lead singer's face as he sings the first line of the first verse. Taking of his guitar it zooms out, he is in his bedroom
10. Following his body movements the camera will see him pick up a photo frame of a 'loved one'
11. On the line "life is going poorly" The lead singer will chuck the photo on the floor
12. The camera will be stationary to a medium shot to see the lead singer pick up and put on his guitar
13. Zoom in on face to re-zoom out to find that he is in the shot with the band again
14. Long shot of band playing
16. Zoom in on face again - repetition of camera shot symbolise the repetitious nature of his old relationship
17. Zoom out to show he is drunk on a park
18. Handheld camera to show how drunk the singer is
19. Handheld (by him) showing him walking, drinking, chucking crushed can then picking up guitar
20. No transition to show realism but extreme close up of face to zoom out to find him with band again
21. Medium close up of band members
22. Zoom on lead singers face, to zoom out to find him smashing up items and objects
23. Pan away to black
24. Pan back to him sitting in a chaotic scene
25. Shot of him crying/ getting upset and about to hang himself
26. Medium shot to see him preparing to hang self
27. Track away to darkness
28. Shot of band without lead singer packing up and walking off
29.Stationary shot with lead singer and girl walking away linking arms
30. Cyclical shot of radio and lead singer waking up and smiling

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