Thursday 12 January 2012

Locations and Settings

This is the room, representing the lead singers habits connoting not caring and representing the typical teenager / bad boy bedroom because he has just found out about his girlfriend cheating with the other band members.

Again this is significant to the background of the lead singer. Through the video he is shown 'reflecting' in this area.

He is shown washing his face in this location, connoting 'washing away' the girlfriend.

I have a variety of locations to fit my genre. Yet being the type of band that I chose, I narrowed it down to a few locations and then had to see if it was possible to shoot them. One idea I chose was a van on the street and the band be on and in it. However, it was a struggle to retrieve the van and after doing vital measurements, it was a disappointment to find that the drums would not fit into the van. This gave me the incentive to look for other locations such as alley ways and rooms that will represent the ideals of my chosen  band.

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