Sunday 20 November 2011

Blink 182 First Date Video

   Like many others I adore this video. It is creative, funny and delivers the song extremely well. The video was directed by The Malloys, The Malloys is the working name of music video and film directors and brothers Emmett Malloy and Brendan Malloy. They are signed to HSI Productions, and released in 2001 but set in 1974 El Segundo, California. It was filmed in Burnaby, British Columbia, as well as Splashdown Park and the F440 Racing Challenge, both in nearby Tsawwassen.
The video features the band with the long hair and clothes from the mid-1970s, and has the band members parodying bands like the Bee Gees. The end of the video has spoof titles as to what band members are doing now such as ‘Travis now drives go-karts full time’ Similar to the end of the 1978 film National Lampoon's Animal House.

There are two versions of this music video, the longer version includes two band members talking in the beginning. At the start of the longer version, before the band begins playing, Tom DeLonge tells Mark Hoppus how he ended up kissing his brother. Hoppus replies, "You know what they say: 'Like Father, Like Son.'" Tom DeLonge says, "You said it best, brother." It also includes an interruption where in the video a baseball bat flies out of the hands of Chad Gilbert of New Found Glory and ends up in the front tire of a girl's bicycle, causing her to flip forward over the handlebars. Her headgear scrapes the road. This happens after the line, "I'm probably gonna miss."

The audience can tell that the video is a spoof instantly from transitions exampling the one at 57 seconds. This shows a detachment from reality and cutting any build up. It is also a fun, childish and enjoyable way to switch from the band playing in the garage to the narrative.
    In this video, Blink 182 exaggerate Goodwin’s theory of representing women as he uses them as sexual tools as well as the characters reactions such as boomer having an erection or dancing holding his crotch and thrusting adding humour.

The music video plays on humour and I believe it does this very well. Although it seems like a good laugh, this video has been thoroughly thought out and planned well. It would also have a huge budget and a lot of research into the 70'

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