Monday 14 November 2011

Costume ideas

 This will be the outfit for the lead singer. It is important to have the main singer/ leader of the band to have the main role in the fashion movement. He has to be in the latest fashion items so that their audience will be able to copy the latest trends. Many of the fan base will wish to copy him and in later music videos he will wish to add or mimic tweeks that the audience has done to improve fashion.


This will be the bass players outfit. It is important that he will not take the spotlight off the leaders outfit yet still look trendy. He will be imitating the lead singer to keep the image flowing throughout the band. Nevertheless, the fan base will still want to mimic his fashion sense and refer to him as a favoured member. It is important to not stray from a singular fashion sense as it can separate the band or they could just differentiate from  one another.

The drummer will be wearing something similar to the outfit shown here. It will still be stylish but nevertheless not aiming to impress. This is because drummers are often shown as the care free members of the band. Their talent is most important to impress. For example, Travis Barker is probably the most famous drummer in the world and possibly deserves the title of best. His items of clothing include his bottom half in jeans while his top half is naked filled with tattoos that show his expressions as a musician.

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