Saturday 12 November 2011

Goodwin's Six points

Music videos demonstrate genre characteristics exampling a heavy metal video, the band will be 'head banging' to the song or in a dance video there may be a specific dance routine. The link will be heavily depended on a side of an indie rock to be reckless meaning there will be a presence of fire or slight abnormality.

There is usually a strong relationship between the lyrics and what visuals are shown in the video. With the lyrics in my song, I feel it is important to show them having feeling as if each member has gone through a traumatic stage in their life. It will reflect through movement and presence of objects as well as tense or tight body language.

The demands of the record label will include the need of specific camera angles of the artist and the products that they are wearing, the artist may develop motifs which recur across their work. I will portray the characters or band members with certain camera shots so that the audience will know how to feel or react to individuals.

There is often intertextual reference to other media.

There is often exploitation of real life exampling the female body or situations. This will be a side story to my music video, taking it away from the band or involving the band in different situations. I will have the main set of them singing and then a story to why they are singing linking with lyrics.

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