Tuesday 8 May 2012


I thought that the effects were extremely helpful on the iMovie software. They had a variety of effects that helped transform, not only mine, but others that I saw around me.
I believe that the effects changed as well as developed peoples as well as my owns ideas when re-filming either adding or taking away clips. Effects such as cartoon which I added later on...

The program 'iMovie' had great help with the darker scene. It helped add a brightness to the scene enabling a clearer view of the lead singer and what he was actually doing. I received a lot of feedback suggesting that I should re-film to make it so you could see the singer, however I was able to add brightness without the hassel of re-filming and the audience enjoyed what they had requested.

It also helped with the whole clip of him with the candles. It made the sequence seem more 'trustworthy' as to what he was doing as you could clearly see him singing and playing the guitar.

I had originally filmed this part of the clip to be featured in my music video, yet it was too dark to be able to see and part of the clip. Once I had discovered that this would would, it varied the shots in my video, made the lead singer seem powerful from the low angle at this part in the narrative and the audience appretiated what was being told.

Again this is highlighting the effectiveness of brightening the clip. This was easily noticeable, however, through brightening the clip the audience thought that it linked well with the other and brighter clips in the sequence.

I found video effects that I started to experiment with and found the highlighted, top right effect. I took inspiration from the iconic 'Take On Me' video by Aha. I found it so inspirational that I thought I might try to mimic this with a cartoon narrative. The audience feedback was not what I expected as it was outstanding. All were very supportive and thought it worked well with the video.

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