Friday 11 May 2012

Evaluation 4

How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary task?

I think mine is very effective as I have created it to suit my target audience, and created my own brand image. I feel as though I have created my band image throughout my digi pack such as the font and colour schemes. The black and white stripes are shown throughout and hopefully would make the audience think of the band when they see similar stripes. I tried to portray the band as if they are fully involved with the ideas, such as the back of the CD case with the lead singer ‘writing’ the songs. My band is based mainly of the lead singer of this album, therefore shows him on the front cover of the CD album cover. I have also done this through the ‘jokey’ bed scene on the insert cheer the target audience up and show that the band are no superstars like them, making them more enjoyable to the target audience. I have demonstrated throughout the video and digi pack that my band is representing an underground image and have received very positive comments on this.

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