Tuesday 28 February 2012

New Prop List

I needed a better storyline and easy to acquire and that would be easy to film. I realised that my previous idea was too difficult to achieve and not worth the time. My newer idea seemed to work a lot better and worked smoothly. The props were:

Microphone Stand
Record Player

Sunday 26 February 2012

New locations

Storyline Locations
A storyline was key to filming different locations. Through receiving the feedback, I acknowledged the idea of mind mapping new ways to incorporate the lyrics with a decent storyline. New locations contained new areas, rooms and the outdoors.

New Room
It wasn't that difficult to decide on new locations to shoot my video. I found it extremely frustrating and time consuming to re-locate the drums. The purpose of moving the drums was to achieve a background of an empty plain space. I realised that they could already be found in a empty and blank space and would help my filming progress.

Different Rooms
I realised that I could incorporate an idea that all the band members were involved with the same girl. I had an idea in the plot of them finding out could have more locations helping the audience get the suggestion that the band would be disjointed.

Saturday 25 February 2012

2nd Rough Cut

This is a second rough cut to enhance my final cut and to gain a wider perspective to what the audience want in their final cut.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

My Magazine Advert

I mirrored both the Blink 182's and Jessie J's magazine adverts to pull off an effective advert myself. I tried to mimic the flyer effect as I thought that that made an interesting appearance and I received a lot of praise from the audience. I also liked the special edition feature so added my own as the 'Striped Edition'. I thought I could be more creative with the idea and it would make a unique selling point. I saw that the majority of adverts include a picture of the artist so had to include the band in a picture together. The taken picture shows that the band is professional and shows a more personal side as they are in a simple room and not an expensive photo shoot, yet again showing the 'underground indie band' look.

Magazine Advert Analysis

This is Jessie J's advert for her 'Who You Are'. I thought it was important to look at an icon that is storming the charts currently. She is an idol to all ages at the moment and featuring on programs such as 'The Voice UK' helps significantly and she has such talent with her voice. As you can see there are 2 magazine adverts above. I chose them because it includes a special edition as well as the normal. I thought it was extremely clever to have a gold normal edition and to 'one up' that was a platinum version that is also labeled as the special edition. It shows: 'bling', a modern target audience and as sex appeal that follows Goodwin's six points. It simple and straight to the point, a picture of her and the details about the album being released.

This is an advert to Kanye West and his general career. This is not necessarily aiming to sell an album, but to sell / promote himself and future sales. This was at a time when he was releasing his hits and around the time he released a remix to Daft Punks 'Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger' again making him very popular. I chose to analyse this because again this isn't trying to be too complicated and straight down to the point. The simple colour shceme helps him to stand and and be the focus to the audience.

This is Blink 182's latest released album. I thought this was extremely good to look at and shows their development. As I have followed Blink 182 throughout their career, they have usually done rather childish / immature posters. Looking at this though they have kept it very simplistic, like the two above. The black and  scheme seems sophisticated compared to their previous adverts. They have kept the same font throughout the poster, yet unlike the others, this has a Computer Generated Image where the rooftops spell out their name and based in a neighborhood. It also takes up the impression of a flyer both these techniques are very clever and effective.

Thursday 16 February 2012

Target Audience Questionnaire

1. What do you look for in a band?  The responses received were as followed:
- Image                                - Catchy Songs
- Good Band Name             - Different from other bands
- Exciting Media                   - Remembered for time
- Realistic                             - Brands
- A Sustained Album

2. Are you more bothered about appearance or music? The responses received were as followed:
- I think that the appearance is more important because I feel that....
- I think it has to be a mixture otherwise...
- I prefer the music however this will affect if people were to see them live

3. Does your favorite Genre have judgement on certain artist? The responses received were as followed:
- With the genre of music I listen to, it is difficult to understand other genres such as 'Rap' or 'R'n'B', however I can listen to a track if I deem it a good song. If I enjoy the way the music sounds, then I can listen to it
- I don't really mind what genre it is, if I enjoy the music that is played, I will download it onto my iPod and listen to it again. If the song doesn't sound right and doesn't suit my taste, then I leave it. I don't particularly have a favorite genre.
- Yes. I cannot stand some other genres whether it be in the top 5 of the charts and played none stop. I still don't enjoy it and nothing can change my opinion. I like the genre I like and nothing really changes that.

4. Would you research into the band further if you did like their release track? The responses received were as followed:
- If I like the track it doesn't necessarily mean that I enjoy their other music. For instance 'Somebody that I used to know' sung by Gotye featuring Kimbra is one of my favorite songs. Yet I had a listen to both their music and found that I only liked one or two others. I wont say I am a fan of there's, nonetheless I would say I enjoy one of their songs.
- If I liked their release track I would obviously look into the other tracks. However, if I didn't like the track I would possibly wait until I heard another that had made it into other media sources such as the radio or charts etc.
- It is rare to say that I don't research into the band a little further after hearing a song by them. I like to have a variety of songs that I listen to to stop myself getting bored with the same genre.

Friday 10 February 2012

audience feedback

Feedback 1

I thought that this music video was good but could improve in a couple of areas. The differentiation between camera angles was put together well as no two shots next to each other were similar, but maybe a larger range of more creative camera angles could be used - although i really liked the low angle shot of the main singer and guitarist. The lip sync and the timing of the instruments need to be worked on so that they look more realistic, as if they are actually being played. A couple of clips need muting as you can hear the background noises and talking which shouldn't be there. In some shots, people are talking and although they are muted, the movement of their lips don't resemble the lyrics, so maybe the shots need re-filming or cutting shorter so that it is less obvious. I really liked the clever shots using the candles on the floor and i like the contrast between light and dark, although i feel that you might need to show a graduation of it getting dark as it is a bit sudden.

Feedback 2

The music video to me was average. I think that the storyline needs improving as it made little sense. I think a larger range would be critical to improve it such as over the shoulder shots etc. However I think that the lip syncing was pretty good, being a rough cut I didn't really pay attention but the scene with the lead singer starting the dialogue was really good. I thought it was also interesting how the lead singer wore the same with band and different clothes outside, it was like a transition of barriers. I think the candle scene was good however it needs to be able to see the face of what I expect was the lead singer. I think the drummer needs to be in time as well, it ruined realism for me. I thought the record idea was very good, it made the start and end link very well but recommend it be slower at the end. All in all i suggest re-film and have the storyline make sense.

Feedback 3

I thought the video itself was quite good, however I did find that the video needed adjustments. I felt the storyline did need to be improved as I got lot half way through. I believe some of the shots really worked well such as the low angle shot of the lead singer in the band. I felt that that showed him as 'powerful' when he was in his band scenario. I thought the candle scene was good and how it fitted with the long sung word 'around' however i think the band needs to come in earlier to make it fully effective. I think it was good how it showed the break down of the lead singer as well, i think it needs more of that or something similar to go with the storyline better.

Thursday 2 February 2012


The cast consists of:

Declan Clarke: - Lead Singer/ Guitarist

Conor O'Brien: - Drummer

Samuel Norton: - Bass Player

Maeve Keane: - Girlfriend

Rough Cut

This is a clip of my first rough cut.