Thursday 16 February 2012

Target Audience Questionnaire

1. What do you look for in a band?  The responses received were as followed:
- Image                                - Catchy Songs
- Good Band Name             - Different from other bands
- Exciting Media                   - Remembered for time
- Realistic                             - Brands
- A Sustained Album

2. Are you more bothered about appearance or music? The responses received were as followed:
- I think that the appearance is more important because I feel that....
- I think it has to be a mixture otherwise...
- I prefer the music however this will affect if people were to see them live

3. Does your favorite Genre have judgement on certain artist? The responses received were as followed:
- With the genre of music I listen to, it is difficult to understand other genres such as 'Rap' or 'R'n'B', however I can listen to a track if I deem it a good song. If I enjoy the way the music sounds, then I can listen to it
- I don't really mind what genre it is, if I enjoy the music that is played, I will download it onto my iPod and listen to it again. If the song doesn't sound right and doesn't suit my taste, then I leave it. I don't particularly have a favorite genre.
- Yes. I cannot stand some other genres whether it be in the top 5 of the charts and played none stop. I still don't enjoy it and nothing can change my opinion. I like the genre I like and nothing really changes that.

4. Would you research into the band further if you did like their release track? The responses received were as followed:
- If I like the track it doesn't necessarily mean that I enjoy their other music. For instance 'Somebody that I used to know' sung by Gotye featuring Kimbra is one of my favorite songs. Yet I had a listen to both their music and found that I only liked one or two others. I wont say I am a fan of there's, nonetheless I would say I enjoy one of their songs.
- If I liked their release track I would obviously look into the other tracks. However, if I didn't like the track I would possibly wait until I heard another that had made it into other media sources such as the radio or charts etc.
- It is rare to say that I don't research into the band a little further after hearing a song by them. I like to have a variety of songs that I listen to to stop myself getting bored with the same genre.

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